Honor Award
Inaam El-Harastany Teaches Arabic for children. She has now received an award for the curriculum she developed
عمر عبد الكافي
Commendation letter
His Eminence Omar Abdel Kafi presents a letter of thanks and appreciation
For the efforts made by Al Bayan Foundation in its endeavor to teach the Arabic language.

About us

With the passage of time and with the rise of specialization and specialization in the world, solutions to problems that we thought were impossible in the past have appeared

One of the fruits of this progress in the field was the “Al-Bayan Curriculum” in which the efforts and ideas harmonized between the Dar Al-Farah Foundation in Zurich, an Arab-Swiss educational cultural institution, and a team specialized in writing and preparation, with extensive experience in this field from all over the world, to present it to the child, the teacher, and the concerned educational institutions. Teaching the Arabic language is an integrated and comprehensive curriculum dedicated to teaching Arabic to non-native speakers.

The curriculum came from the experiences of educators, specialists and people with experience in teaching Arabic to non-native children around the world, and with God’s help, we achieved what we aspired to by avoiding the loopholes of the previous curricula, which were far from addressing the specificity of the learner’s condition.

Our Team

خديجة السيد

خديجة السيد

Authoring Team

في مسيرة حياتنا دوماً نتنفس لغتنا التي أحببناها وتذوقناها شعراً ونثراً وأدباً متنوعاً

كمعلمة أرى أن لغتنا الجميلة أمانة تعبر من خلالنا كنور عابر للأجيال….. و من واجبنا كحاملي لهذه الأمانة ..أن نبقيَ  على جمالها وننقلها بأبهى صورة


رنا نقشبندي

Authoring Team

لغة أهل الجنة.. أحببتها و استخدمتها في ألعابي و كتاباتي منذ الصغر.. وأسعى

جاهدة لنقل هذا الشغف اللغوي إلى أطفالنا عبر كتابات سليمة اللغة، ومحببة

العناوين، وقريبة الى قلوبهم، وتمس تفاصيل حياتهم

Connect with us

We welcome your questions and inquiries

Where the competent consultant will be ready to take you on a tour of the curriculum, inform you of its details, provide you with pictures of it, and you can listen to audio clips from it and ask questions about it, its philosophy and method of teaching.

You can communicate through the listed social media platforms:

Or by sending us a direct email: